Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weeks 8 & 9

For the past 7 days, I have been on antibiotics. 7 days ago, my nurse called and told me that I had a bladder infection when I went in for my appt. I thought that I didn't recognize symptoms of a uti, until a few days after taking antibiotics. I do think that I was having symptoms. For instance, night time was the most uncomfortable for me. I would go to the bathroom 4-5x a night. And before and after going, it felt like everything was so tight and uncomfortable in my bladder. It really made me uncomfortable. It would only bother me right before, and then a couple minutes after using the bathroom. I wrote everything off as just being pregnant. Another thing was that I was way beyond tired. Many times during the day, I would just want to pass out. I noticed all of this after I started taking my antibiotics and first noticed I wasn't having to use the bathroom 4-5x's..more like 2-3x's..and I wasn't uncomfortable. I now have more energy. I still get tired, but it's nothing like it was. I'm not having severe spells of just wanting to sleep.

So knowing all of this now, I'm going to listen to my body a little bit more and try not to assume something is because I'm pregnant. I have now finished my prescribed amount of the antibiotics, and I'm happy about that. The less pills I have to take, the happier I am..lol.

Right now, I'm not showing..so I've been updating 2 weeks at a time. There are times where I feel like I'm showing more, and then others where I'm not. Just got some water retention going on. I have held a pretty steady weight for the past week. Weeks 5-8, I put on about 6 lbs. My boobs have also grown, so I'm blaming them for some of the weight..lol. It's definitely nice to have them so full, I lost my boobs after Hailee..haha. They have been sore, tho. They are just now starting to not be as sore.

Now for some belly pics:

No picture for 8 weeks with Hailee
8 weeks(current):

9 weeks(Hailee)
9 Weeks

9 weeks(current)


Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Your adventure is just started! Being Pregnant is something that still leaves me in a state of near constant wonder. I really wish you good luck!! Just had my first little boy, such a wonderful experience. If you are thinking of names by the way, check out http://www.bounty.com/babynames/ where you can search names by meaning and origin. My little boy is called Marlow and he is just perfect. Fingers are crossed everything goes well for you xx Jo ps. love you blog

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I love the updates! :)