Friday, February 5, 2010

New Due Date!

I had my "36 week checkup" yesterday. They did an u/s, group b test, and exam to see how my cervix is doing. Everything went well, Andrew is looking great! However, they changed my due date to 2/24 instead of 2/27. So that put me at 37 weeks and 1 day yesterday!! The ultrasound estimated Andrew to be 6lbs 10oz, he is head down, and he was practicing breathing movements. It was the cutest thing to see him 'breathing'. Then of course, he got the hiccups. :)

My cervix is still thick, according to the Dr. Maybe it'll be another week or two till he decides to come? We will see. I'm getting anxious to see him, and to see Hailee meet him. She talks about him a lot. Today I let her pick out a bib and a baby bath for him. She insists that she knows what he will like. hehe.

As far as I go, I'm doing okay. I'm having some Braxton Hicks, and have been feeling premenstrual. I thought maybe that would have contributed to some dialation, but apparently not. It's okay tho, with Cody's schedule, we need little man to stay in there for at least another week.

We are completely ready for Andrew to come. I have done a lot of shopping the past few weeks, and have had a lot of fun with it. I had a baby shower last week, and got some really nice things as well.

Well I think that's it for now, I'll update soon!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Prayers, please!

Well, this is part of being a military wife. Be prepared to hear me release my stresses, lol. Out of all the months Cody is gone, this is the month he will be gone for most of the month..and of course, I'm due this month. I'll be considered full term Saturday, I'll be 37 weeks. I'm very stressed out thinking about Cody not being here, hopefully that won't put me into labor. I'm trying to relax about it, but then I feel something that makes me feel like something is going on down there..and I get worried again. My issue is that, other than Cody possibly not being here to see the birth of his son, I will have no one to take Hailee. I don't know what will happen if I show up at the hospital with Hailee in tow. They probably are limited in what they can do as far as pain killers, iv's, if I have a 4 year old in my care. And on top of that, they have a policy right now, thanks to the h1n1 virus, that no one under 18 is allowed unless they are the patient. Then of course, it has to snow. I'm really hoping this snow melts quickly, because that'll just add to my problem if I go into labor with snow on the ground. At that point, I think I would call an ambulance..instead of trying to drive on ice and snow.

I will be so happy once all of this is over with. I'm so stressed out about everything right now. Being stuck in the house, because of the snow, is not helping get my mind off of things.

I'm asking if everyone could pray that I go into labor at a convenient time. My sister will be up here in a week or so, to be here for me. So I hope and pray that Andrew doesn't come before then!

Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Man, I am sooo glad that Cody was home last night. I woke up in the middle of the night with a God awful cramp on my right side of my stomach. The very same thing happened with Hailee around about this time in my pregnancy. I remember thinking, "OMG was that a contraction?! Am I going in labor?!" lol. BUT now that I have gone through labor and have been through something similar to what I went through last night, I wasn't worried about it too much. However, Cody being there helped me through it. I woke up and couldn't take any deep breaths because the pain only got stronger if I did, and I couldn't move. I laid there for a bit, I can't tell you how long 30 sec- 1 min maybe? I tried moving to my other side, but I was literally stuck in the position I was in. So I woke Cody up, he rubbed my belly and then helped me to turn over to my other side. Thank God for him! I don't know how long I would've been stuck in that position in pain if he hadn't been there to help me out of it. My guess is that Andrew was in a bad position for me. At least, that's what my mom told me when I had it with Hailee. Luckily, Cody was by myside then too. But we were more concerned with Hailee, of course, since we didn't know what to expect.

On top of that, I am sick. Blah. I have a cold. I've been dealing with it for going on day 3 now. I can't breathe out my nose, and my throat is kind of sore. My main problem is my nose and that I feel sneezy. Other than that, I'm fine. I am tempted to take something for this, but I really hate to. This is my second cold of the season, which is crazy because I hardly get sick. Cody says it is because of how cold it is up here. He's been sick too, and he hardly gets sick. Hopefully, I don't give him what I have. Hopefully, I will be over it soon. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

35 Weeks!

Sometimes I can hardly believe that I am 35 weeks. I feel so close I can taste it! haha. I had Hailee at 38 weeks, and I really have high hopes that I will have Andrew before 40 weeks as well. Especially since I have been feeling a lot of different sensations down below. I never felt with Hailee what I have been feeling the past couple days. I have researched it, and have considered it being Braxton Hicks and/or my cervix starting to dilate. I go to the Dr on Monday, to get checked and have an ultrasound so hopefully I will have some better answers for what is going on. I've also had some other issues, which I don't care to discuss publicly, that I plan on discussing with my dr. I just really feel close to having Andrew. With Hailee I never knew. I never experienced the Braxton Hicks, and other things that I have experienced the last week or so. So this is all new to me. It makes me wonder how I'm going to go into labor. My water broke with Hailee, and if I had to guess again I would guess it'll break again. When I get the 'sensations' down there, it really feels like if I push hard enough my water could break. haha. Yep, I definitely think thats Braxton Hicks that I'm experiencing. I don't want to call it painful, but it's uncomfortable. When I have them, it feels like I could go right into labor. You know what the funny part is? I actually enjoy having the Braxton Hicks, even tho they are uncomfortable. It just reminds me that it's almost time for me to see my bouncing baby boy! With both pregnancies, I've always started off feeling so scared about the actual process of labor itself. I could never wrap my mind around how a baby comes out of a woman. But then, as I get towards the end I am just so ready to have the baby, I really don't care about it anymore. I just want to have the baby. That is the point in which I am at right now. Time will only tell when my little Drewy Bear will be here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Momma To Bug and Bear

Just wanted to note that I changed the name of my blog to "Momma to Bug and Bear". It used to be "Diary of Hailee" but I feel as tho the new name is more fitting. Bug is Hailee and Bear is Andrew. We call them Hailee-bug and Drewy-bear. :)


It's been awhile since I have given an update, so I figured I had a free moment and would now do so. I am currently 33.5 weeks pregnant. So far, everything has been going great. The dr. said my blood pressure is good, my weight is good, Andrew is looking good, and I tested negative for gestational diabetes. I couldn't have asked for a better pregnancy thus far. I have the common pregnancy complaints as far as back hurting, can't get comfortable at night, uncomfortable sitting/standing for a long period of time, tired, hungry a lot, etc. But again, I couldn't have asked for a better pregnancy. When people ask me how I'm doing or feeling, I just smile and say fine. :)

I had Hailee at 38 weeks, so I'm really hoping that Andrew will come around the same time as Hailee did. Hailee seems really excited for Andrew to come. The other day, at a friends house, she had a babydoll under her shirt almost the whole playdate. She gives 'him' hugs and kisses. I know they are going to have a great bond. I can't wait to see them two together.

Right now in Hampton Roads, the hospitals have a policy where no one under 18 is allowed to visit. I am having such a hard time with this policy. I really really want Hailee to be able to come up to the hospital to see Andrew. I don't know how I'm going to cope the whole time in the hospital w/o seeing her. If that policy is still in effect when I have Andrew, I'm going to see if we can get out of there earlier...that is assuming that Andrew and I will be healthy and fine. I know other mom's who have more than one kid have been able to leave the hospital early as long as everything is ok. So, I don't know. We will see.

My next appt is on the first of February. I will be having an ultrasound to see how big Andrew is, which I am stoked about. I will keep you updated!