Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Man, I am sooo glad that Cody was home last night. I woke up in the middle of the night with a God awful cramp on my right side of my stomach. The very same thing happened with Hailee around about this time in my pregnancy. I remember thinking, "OMG was that a contraction?! Am I going in labor?!" lol. BUT now that I have gone through labor and have been through something similar to what I went through last night, I wasn't worried about it too much. However, Cody being there helped me through it. I woke up and couldn't take any deep breaths because the pain only got stronger if I did, and I couldn't move. I laid there for a bit, I can't tell you how long 30 sec- 1 min maybe? I tried moving to my other side, but I was literally stuck in the position I was in. So I woke Cody up, he rubbed my belly and then helped me to turn over to my other side. Thank God for him! I don't know how long I would've been stuck in that position in pain if he hadn't been there to help me out of it. My guess is that Andrew was in a bad position for me. At least, that's what my mom told me when I had it with Hailee. Luckily, Cody was by myside then too. But we were more concerned with Hailee, of course, since we didn't know what to expect.

On top of that, I am sick. Blah. I have a cold. I've been dealing with it for going on day 3 now. I can't breathe out my nose, and my throat is kind of sore. My main problem is my nose and that I feel sneezy. Other than that, I'm fine. I am tempted to take something for this, but I really hate to. This is my second cold of the season, which is crazy because I hardly get sick. Cody says it is because of how cold it is up here. He's been sick too, and he hardly gets sick. Hopefully, I don't give him what I have. Hopefully, I will be over it soon. :)

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