Saturday, February 26, 2011

One Year Later..

Well, hello again blog! I am reminded of diaries I had growing up. There would be a cluster of days where pages were filled, and then just like that, you turn the page and it's nothing but empty lines.

It's been a year since I have updated my blog, and a lot has happened. The year has definitely flown by. Andrew was born on February 17th, 2010. I had an induced labor. I was terrified of going that route, because I firmly believe that the baby will come when ready. However, the way hubby's schedule was looking, it was either he was going to be there for the birth or he wasn't. So, since the dr insisted on doing an induction, we went that route. It turned out to be a great decision. We had a wonderful experience.

Andrew has grown into a good healthy sized 12 month old, and he definitely keeps me on my toes! He's more curious than Hailee ever was..and more hungry! He can eat and eat and eat. I'm grocery shopping every other day, it feels like!

It has been a hectic year, since Bubba(we call him Bubba) was born. We moved shortly after having him, in April 2010. Then we moved again in December 2010. We have a really big move coming up in June 2011, to England. Husband has orders there, and we will be spending 3 years in Lincolnshire. He has shore duty, so hopefully I will see him more than I have the past 12 months. Or heck, even the last 3 years. This tour has been..challenging. We look forward to hopefully better days where we can enjoy being a family.

So I changed the name of my blog, again! Those who've known me for years, would understand where it comes from. I thought it was fitting for me. :)

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