Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our Tuesday

Yesterday, we got up early for dr appointments. Both Hailee and Andrew had them. Hailee had to redo her school physical for FL, and Andrew had his 12 month well baby checkup plus immunizations. The woman who I set the appointments up with, scheduled them back to back with the same dr. I thought that worked out great. Hailee did great for her appointment, and Andrew also did great. Hailee weighs 30 lbs, she eats to live. Andrew weighs 22 lbs, he lives to eat. :)

We've been having warm days here in FL, so I of course put Andrew in the only outfit he has suitable for that kind of weather. We walk outside, and it was cold. Go figure! hah. But, I went shopping yesterday and got him some more warmer weather clothes. Still wasn't much of a warm day today. Maybe tomorrow?

Andrew did great for his immunizations. They also took blood from him? Not sure exactly why, but they did. I was glad when all of that was over with, and I'm sure he was too! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the blood draw is just to check iron and lead levels. very normal.