Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Belly Pics-Weeks 4&5

I didn't start showing until about 15 weeks with Hailee. But these pictures are fun to look back on, and now I can compare my pregnancy with when I was pregnant with Hailee. They always say you show quicker with the next pregnancy, so I guess we'll see. I am 10-15lbs lighter than I was prepregnancy with Hailee.

4 weeks with Hailee:
March 6, 2005..the beginning

4 weeks 2 days now:

5 weeks with Hailee:
5 Weeks

5 weeks 3 days now:


Weird Dreams

I have been having some really weird dreams lately, very vivid and seemingly real, too. Last nights dream, really freaked me out. Since I've had breakfast I will talk about it. I'm not really superstitious, but gotta be safe! I would absolutely hate to see what happened in my dream last night happen in real life, I would be devastated and would feel guilty that I didn't do anything. **Warning-may be too graphic**

One of my dreams, which was the first of a series of dreams that I had last night, I was driving along Virginia Beach BLVD. All of a sudden someone hit me while in motion. It wasn't a bad wreck, just enough to probably dent the side of my car. I didn't see the damage, so I'm not sure what kind of damage there was. I kept driving and looked behind me to see if the person in the other car had stopped. I figured I should pull over, too. IT WAS A DREAM, so I wasn't really thinking clearly. Obviously in real live I would've pulled over right away to assess my car..lol. So we get out. Not quite sure what happened at that point, the next thing I know we are in this business place that seems more like a house than a place of business. This is where we discussed what happened. For some reason I was stuck in this place. I was going to stay the night there. Who knows, I don't remember those parts..probably the because the next part was so horrific to me..nothing else in my dream mattered.

So, here I am..stuck in this place. It's night time, and I can't sleep. So I go to look out the door, it's similar to the door in our Pensacola house. I was just watching the world go by. The street was crowded with cars parked along the side, so I couldn't see my car...but in my dream I really wanted to see my car. There was a part that I don't remember clearly about going outside and sneaking around to get a glimpse at my car to see the damage from the wreck earlier. I never was able to see my car, so afraid of getting caught outside for some reason..I was back inside looking thru the door again.

I see a baby walking, chasing like a butterfly or a balloon..something to that nature. All I remember is the baby walking, like a baby who had just started to learn how walk..walking on the tip of it's toes looking up at something smiling...trying to reach out for whatever it was the baby was looking at. I sit here and watch this baby as it walked thru the front yards of houses, thinking what should I do? I wasn't allowed outside of this house for whatever reason. Being outside of this house was a fear to me, for some reason. And this baby was across the street, farther than I had wanted to go outside of this house. So I sit and watch this little baby, hoping that maybe it's mom is following behind..or that someone will help it. I wonder why is this little baby outside at this time of night. The baby was in it's jammies, with little footies.

I debate to just turn away, and go to bed. Then the baby started to walk toward the road, and everything seemed to happen so fast. The baby steps off the curb, and I heard a car. I stood frozen as I watched an SUV fly down the road and hit the baby, never slowing..never stopping. There was nothing left of this baby except pieces of what remained.

That was on my right, on my left I see someone..an adult..had been hit by a car. The car that hit the adult was stopped tho. Right then, I picked up my cell phone and was going to report everything. Before I started to dial 911, the adult stood up and was okay. So I put my phone down.

For some reason, I was afraid to report the SUV that hit the baby. I thought that the cops would blame me since the SUV was long gone.

Had this been real life, I would have totally called 911. But before that, I would've saved the baby.

This was a CRAZY dream that woke me up in the middle of the night. It made me want to go check on my Hailee, and give her a big and and a kiss. How scary!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 5, Day 2

Good Morning! I am 5 weeks and 2 days today. I have bypassed the point at which I miscarried last time, so I'm pretty happy about that. It makes everything seem more real! I'm so excited and scared this time around. When I was pregnant with Hailee, I was more excited than anything else. Now I just worry how everything is going to work out. I do remember that as I got further along with Hailee, any type of fear I had in my mind seemed to diminish. It's amazing how your mind prepares for a baby. I know that once the baby takes the shape of an actual baby, I will feel more connected with it. When I start feeling it move, and sharing that with Hailee, things will feel more natural. Even when I go in to hear the heartbeat and see the bean move around, it's going to feel more real.

I think right now, a lot of my uneasiness is due to my curiousity of if there are twins in my belly. Once I get it confirmed that there is just one little munchkin, I will be relieved. Lets hope there's just one! Haha. I have good chances of twins, and that's why I'm concerned. My mom is a twin, and my dad's mom is a twin. My sister became pregnant with twins last year. So I'd say my chances are good! I've been researching if there is any difference in a twin pregnancy vs a singleton pregnancy in the beginning of the pregnancy, and really some have said there is no difference at the point in which I am at..and others have said it's worse. So that helps me none! We will just have to wait and see!

My symptoms are minimal right now. I'm not going to claim the safe road yet, tho. I know I am really early, and I didn't start feeling nauseous with Hailee until week 8 or so. I am expecting my symptoms to worsen by then. And if they don't, lucky me! :p

I took naps both Saturday and Sunday, this past weekend! And I was still ready for bed by 8. That's how exhausted I am. I have been minimizing my caffeine intake, also, so I'm sure that doesn't help my alertness. Breasts still sore. Skin is looking good! Water retention. Other than that, everything is going well for us!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

We're Expecting!

Hailee is going to be a big sister! We are very excited! Last September, we tried to conceive and were successful. However, we ended up miscarrying in October. My husband, Cody, was deployed for 7 months after that. We decided to try again when he got home, and on Friday, June 19th, we got a BFP on a HPT! We are due February 27, 2010. However, that isn't OFFICIAL yet. Our first appointment is July 6th, and they will give me an official due date. Until then, based on my LMP, February 27, 2010 is the EDD. :)

I'm currently 5 weeks, and 1 day preggo. I'm feeling okay. It varies. Sometimes I'll feel a little nauseous, sometimes really really tired, my breasts are starting to feel sore, and that's about all the symptoms I've had so far. I've already started my prenatals. We actually went and bought them ourselves, since we assumed it would take awhile for us to get in to see a dr. The prenatals are OneADay prenatals, and they haven't made me *sick* yet. But I'm still fairly early in pregnancy.

I hope to keep up with this blog, and will do the best I can. :)

Until next time...
