Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh, Florida!

Super nice day today in good ol' Florida! I still have yet to get Andrew some summer clothes. So, most days he is wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts that I have to roll up. Those were the type of clothes he needed while we lived in VA.

I went looking around at the mall today, and I didn't see anything I liked in the boys section. But, when I glance over in the girls section, there are so many cute things! I have always struggled finding Andrew clothes! lol. But, with the weather warming up, I need to stop being picky and just find something..poor boy needs some cooler clothes!

So, as you can see in the picture above, as soon as we got home I stripped him and he's as happy as can be!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My BodyBugg

This is my latest obsession. It's a Bodybugg, and mine is PINK. But, actually, it's just the band. I can switch bands and it can be a different color. Enough about the appearance, let's talk about what this thing does. You wear it on your arm, and it tells you how many calories you are burning. It's kind of like being on a treadmill, and you can see how many calories you are burning..but better because you don't have to be on the treadmill, or elliptical, etc. And it's personalized to you. When you get it, you go through a series of questions about yourself and what your goals are. Then it formulates a plan for you. It even gives you a meal plan, to help you stay on track. You can also add in the online application what you consume a day. From that, you can see what you've consumed, and what you've burned. If you want to lose weight, you need to have a deficit of at least 500 calories. The online application will also tell you how many steps you have taken in a day. Bodybugg will have goals set for you as far as what you consume, what you burn, and how many steps you take.

I don't use it for weight loss. I am actually at my desired weight. My goals are to tone up and improve my body fat percentage. I use the Bodybugg as inspiration to keep moving. It's also very interesting to me. I've been told a few times that I don't need it, so I hope people don't think I have some kind of eating disorder or obsession while I'm out and about with it. It just peaks my interest.

I do struggle with my calories consumed. I'm really not a big eater. I have a hard time grocery shopping because nothing really appeals to me. I buy the same things over and over again, and I never really try any new foods. My daughter is similar to me as far as eating habits go, although I eat more than her! My son will eat any and everything, and is always hungry. So he is a challenge to me. He will be cleaning off his and my daughters plate in the future, I believe. lol.

When my husband is home, he does tend to rub off on me, and I eat a lot more than I do when he is away. Sometimes, I think I eat more than he does, when he is home! I definitely weigh more when he is around. So, I think this Bodybugg thing is going to be challenging when he gets back.

Yesterday, I burned 2453 calories. I exceeded Bodybuggs goal of 2400, but I didn't reach my goal of 3000. I really thought I could yesterday, since I went to the gym and I've gotten sooo close to 3000 calories burned in a day. But, I didn't do anything else after the gym. I did double my calories burned in Zumba, and I believe that's because I pushed myself harder due to wearing the Bodybugg. Motivation, baby!

My calories consumed yesterday was 1372. I have yet to meet my calories consumed goal of 1900 that Bodybugg gives me. I try! Believe me! I try to get close to my deficit goal of 500, but it never fails. I always exceed 1000. Yesterday, my deficit was 1081. I keep telling myself to eat more, and I feel like I do, but somehow, I still exceed 1000. I guess it's better than having a surplus, eh?

My steps reached 8947. Such a bummer, since I went to the gym. I could have easily done another 1000 to accomplish my goal, but I didn't. I probably took more steps than this, but I take my Bodybugg off at night. I was up and about a lot last night since Bubba was having problems sleeping, as normal. I don't think I reached my 10000 goal, but I probably reached the 9000 mark.

Today is a new day! So here we go again! :)

Andrew's 1st Birthday

Ten days ago, we celebrated Andrew's first birthday! I still can't believe he is 1! It's bittersweet. He's our last child, so that means our baby is on the road to no longer being a baby. But, at the same time, I'm so glad that first year is over. It doesn't mean the next few years are going to be a piece of cake, but at least we are closer to him communicating and things just seem easier when your kids can communicate with you.

He is not walking yet, although it's not far down the road. He is standing on his own for long periods at a time, so it's just up to him when he wants to try to take that step.

We've been going to the gym for the past couple weeks, and although I know he doesn't like me leaving him, he is like his sister and tries to be a big boy about it. He is getting better, and thank goodness because Mommy needs those 2 hours at the gym!

These days, he enjoys playing ball, playing with his sister, getting into things he's not supposed to(and knows he isn't supposed to, because he looks at me first before touching, lol). He loves baths, music, Mickey Mouse, FOOD(ha!), pulling all my dvd cases out, and pulling his sister's hair. He can wave bye bye, shake his head no, clap his hands, say mama, dada, and baba. Those things he has been doing for awhile, lately he has picked up UH-OH. It's so cute when he says uhoh, and of course this means he will purposely drop something just so he can say uhoh. That's my Bubba. :D

Bloggin' Mood

So, I am in a blogging mood today. Blame it on it being Saturday and I didn't really do much. I can go through the week and be fine if I don't do anything on a particular day, but if that particular day is Saturday, it gets to me.

My Saturday started off good. I went to the gym with my sister. We did the Zumba class, which was better than the last one but not as good as the first one I went to. Apparently, Mondays are going to be my favorite days for Zumba. I am not a very good latin dancer, and the teacher who teaches class on Mondays, incorporates hip I love it! I think I'm used to high energy stuff thanks to Chalene Johnson(Turbo Jam, TurboFire) because when the music is slower and the moves are slower, my energy is on the downfall. I get bored! There were some moments today in class where I thought, this instructor needs to pick it up!

Tuesday, I take the kids to dr appts. Hailee has her school physical, again..and Andrew has to have his 12 month checkup with shots! We also have to get our overseas screenings done. Busy!

Something I picked up within the last several months is photography. I have my own site, I am currently taking a break for a number of factors, and I miss it. So, I'm going to try to take pictures to throw in my blogs, that way I will stay active. I hope to get back into portrait photography in England. If not, I'm sure the landscape in England will be wonderful to capture as well! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

One Year Later..

Well, hello again blog! I am reminded of diaries I had growing up. There would be a cluster of days where pages were filled, and then just like that, you turn the page and it's nothing but empty lines.

It's been a year since I have updated my blog, and a lot has happened. The year has definitely flown by. Andrew was born on February 17th, 2010. I had an induced labor. I was terrified of going that route, because I firmly believe that the baby will come when ready. However, the way hubby's schedule was looking, it was either he was going to be there for the birth or he wasn't. So, since the dr insisted on doing an induction, we went that route. It turned out to be a great decision. We had a wonderful experience.

Andrew has grown into a good healthy sized 12 month old, and he definitely keeps me on my toes! He's more curious than Hailee ever was..and more hungry! He can eat and eat and eat. I'm grocery shopping every other day, it feels like!

It has been a hectic year, since Bubba(we call him Bubba) was born. We moved shortly after having him, in April 2010. Then we moved again in December 2010. We have a really big move coming up in June 2011, to England. Husband has orders there, and we will be spending 3 years in Lincolnshire. He has shore duty, so hopefully I will see him more than I have the past 12 months. Or heck, even the last 3 years. This tour has been..challenging. We look forward to hopefully better days where we can enjoy being a family.

So I changed the name of my blog, again! Those who've known me for years, would understand where it comes from. I thought it was fitting for me. :)