Thursday, June 2, 2011

Road to Acceptance

I have struggled for several months, mostly silently, about our move to England. These orders had literally taken over my life, and was affecting me in an extremely negative way. I ignored friends and family, put important things off which needed to be done, slacked on my duties of being a wife, mother, and friend, among other things. Whenever my husband brought up things that needed to be done in order to proceed in our move to England, I would get sick to my stomach and would become really irritable towards him and anyone else. Then you throw in his deployment and the problems I was having with my neighbors on top of everything I was dealing with emotionally to go to England, I was spinning downward fast. The picture included in this blog is of our dog of 6 years, Pebbles. I'm going to miss her dearly while we are in England.

Tomorrow, Cody will have been home for 4 weeks now. It has taken me 4 weeks with his help and support to get my act together, and get a new outlook on life. I am FINALLY on the right path, I believe. I find myself getting a little excited about our journey to England, and that is a whole lot more better than what I felt before.

This past weekend we went to Louisiana. It was a great escape from reality, until we would remind ourselves how much we are going to miss going and seeing the people we care deeply about. But, nevertheless, we had a really wonderful time. Hopefully, when we get back to the states in 2014, we can get orders back to Pensacola, so can be in between the 2 places where the people we love are at. Until then, we are hoping to meet some great friends in the lovely UK.

It has been a long, hard several months, but I think I'm finally on the right path to experiencing England.

A little over 2 weeks and counting.....


Anonymous said...

Hang in there honey. You are a strong woman. It is okay to be sad about being so far apart from your loved ones but think of it as a grand adventure. How many people do you know that get paid to live in a foreign country? You guys could have done much worse than England. Enjoy it and I am sure your family will be able to come and see you! I am so jealous!!!

Jennifer Hawkes

JacquiePRN said...

i can relate jaimee. people think "thats the military life" and we should just be used to moving, but its different each time, and i think a part of us, especially us mothers, it takes a little more getting used to. we worry, we want good schools and neighborhoods for our children etc... this is the case for me anyways. i too have tried to keep myself together about this move to cali. its no england, but it feels like its that far. i too have been trying to stay very positive about it and so far, i been ok! i am really glad to hear you are doing better. its not easy im sure going over the ocean and being far away adn without your dog, but im very happy for you that pebbles will be with family, and your kids will have an oportunity to see a part of the world that not everyone gets to see! you will come back to the states with stories and pictures to show. these moves are what we make it, and it can be so hard trying to find the good in things like this but its going to happen so we might as well try our hardedest to make the best out of it, and stick with people who can help us feel good about our situation, and friends that work with us to stay close even though we are far away. good luck jaimee. im here for you any time at all that you want to vent or talk or anything. we can help eachother get through it <3 hugs