Friday, August 30, 2013

Hailee wrote me(and Cody) this really sweet letter today. In her note, she says "after my concert" because she loves singing and is like a lot of girls when it comes to dreaming of being a singer some day. As the letter goes on, she says that she'll have three Yorkies for me when she is older. I have always loved Yorkies, and so she has always said this to me. She also says that she'll have a chihuahua and three black Labradors for Cody. You can totally tell that we love dogs in our family, and the love for dogs has spread to our children. :) The letter proceeds on about her wanting me come visit her for lunch one day. I'm hoping to do this soon because I know it'll mean a lot to her. <3 Thank you, Hailee, for the sweet note to us. I'm documenting it on here so that I'll never lose it. I love you, baby girl. Love, Mommy

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